Stolen Vehicle Restoration Services from Auto Salon Leschi in Seattle
Unfortunately auto thefts are up in Seattle 73% since the start of the pandemic. When your vehicle is stolen the perpetrator’s often damage the vehicle by smoking cigarettes or drugs inside, spilling alcohol, tearing up the upholstery, breaking glass, and many other unspeakable things. Just the fact that some random stranger was in your car is reason enough to take it into an automotive detailing professional that is well versed in deep interior reconditioning and bacteria & odor removal.
From past experience we find that in very severe stolen recovery cases we need to remove & replace most of the interior, meaning replace the carpeting, insulation, reupholster the seats, replace & clean up any broken glass, recondition the interior then run our Purteq bacteria & odor removal protection system. We are able to do all of the above if needed.
We can also take care of most surface damage on your paint as well. Most light scratches & imperfections can be removed via our paint correction process. If your vehicle was in an accident or has any body damage we can refer you to an auto body shop and highly recommend you get any repair & refinishing completed first. Then bring your car in afterwords for our stolen recovery reconditioning service.
The first step is to bring the vehicle in for an inspection & estimate. We offer free onsite estimates by appointment Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3:30 pm. Whether standard or severe damage most insurance companies will cover our stolen recovery interior reconditioning service.
Then you would forward our estimate to your insurance company and wait for them to respond back with the ok. We will provide your insurance company with the information they will need to cover your claim.
We know that having to deal with this process is stressful but from decades of experience we have found that this is the best way to go about it. Having your vehicle stolen is very common here in the greater Seattle area and we are here to help. Please feel free to Contact Us Today with any questions or concerns.

Did you know…
Auto body shops and repair facilities in the greater Seattle area recommend Auto Salon at Leschi for car water damage restoration, mold remediation, bacteria & odor removal & stolen recovery auto reconditioning. Most insurance companies cover car water damage restoration & stolen recovery auto reconditioning. We will provide your insurance company with the information they will need to cover your claim.
Schedule Your Appointment Today. We will be happy to provide you with a free onsite inspection and estimate for our car water damage restoration or stolen recovery auto reconditioning service. We will have your vehicle’s interior, dry, clean and most importantly, disinfected, mold and bacteria free within a week and have you back on the road again.